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Yongsuk Lim
2023년 6월 21일2분 분량
Korean sustainable and eco-friendly fabric with traditional Korean paper pattern
JUNOPI vegan fabric #hanji #korean fabric #fabrics #fabric #sustainable #eco-friendly #vegan fabric #junopi #vegan There are cotton,...
조회수 30회댓글 0개
Yongsuk Lim
2021년 9월 30일1분 분량
Daejin S&T's New Fabric "HANJI"
Daejin S&T produces new fabrics. We call the name of the newly produced fabric "HANJI" Originally, Hanji (traditional Korean paper) has a...
조회수 99회댓글 0개
Yongsuk Lim
2021년 9월 2일1분 분량
Golf with Vintage Canvas
Golf with Vintage Canvas that is the Eco-friendly & Sustainable Canvas fabric. Golf with Nature must be much more nature with...
조회수 28회댓글 0개
Yongsuk Lim
2021년 7월 31일1분 분량
Vintage Canvas, It's the Start for the Protection of Environment.
Eco-friendly canvas fabric Vintage Canvas It's the Start for the Protection of Environment. Vintage Canvas is the Eco-friendly canvas...
조회수 63회댓글 0개
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